Using the Contact Searches

You can access key search forms from the left-hand menu drop-down list. Choosing a search from the list displays the Contact Search page and opens the specified search form.

Drop-down List of Searches

Links to all other search forms are available at the top of the Contact Search page. The different search forms are intended to help you focus your search on specific criteria. For example, the People search lets you specify criteria such as name, city, contact type, etc. In contrast, the Personnel search lets you specify criteria that only apply to your organization’s personnel, such as office, department, and level.

You can also search for contacts based on activity or appointment criteria. For example, you could find all contacts that have at least one activity of a particular type, or for which you are the originator. These options are available on all of the contact searches. For details about the criteria fields, see Activities/Appointments Section on Contact Searches.

Note these searches still always find contacts; using these options lets you find the contacts based on activity or appointment criteria. These searches should not be confused with the searches used to find activities and appointments.

Note: The list of searches available in the drop-down depends on the configuration of InterAction at your site.

Contact Searches

The following contact searches are provided out of the box:

Activities, Appointments, Documents, and Related Modules

In addition to the searches that find contacts, the Web Client also provides searches for finding other items. The following are provided out of the box:

For general searching tips, see Searching Tips and Using Names and Addresses in Searches.

People Search

The People search provides criteria for finding a person. This search is useful for finding contacts using basic criteria such as name, type of contact, or address details including city or state. For example, you might use this form to find contacts in a particular city.

  1. Choose People from the left hand Search for drop-down list of contact searches.

  2. Enter search criteria.

  3. Choose Search. InterAction displays the contacts that match all the criteria you entered.

People Search

Companies Search

The Companies search provides criteria for finding a company. This search is useful for finding companies using basic criteria such as name, type of contact, or address details including city or state. For example, you might use this form to find companies in a particular industry.

  1. Choose Companies from the left hand Search for drop-down list of contact searches.

  2. Enter search criteria.

  3. Choose Search. InterAction displays the contacts that match all the criteria you entered.

Companies Search

Personnel Search

The Personnel search provides fields for finding a person classified as either Our Personnel or Our Consultant by your organization. You can narrow the search by name, office, and other fields. Only contacts assigned one of the following contact types will be found when using this search:

  • Our Personnel
  • Our Consultant

For example, you may want to find all personnel that are located in a particular office location.

  1. Choose Personnel from the left hand Search for drop-down list of contact searches.

  2. Enter search criteria.

  3. Choose Search. InterAction displays the contacts that match all the criteria you entered.

Personnel Search

Alumni Search

The Alumni search provides fields for finding people classified as alumni of your organization. You can narrow the search by name, office, and other fields. Only contacts assigned the contact type Alumni will be found when using this form. For example, you may want to find all Alumni whose level was Partner.

  1. Choose Alumni from the left hand Search for drop-down list of contact searches.

  2. Enter search criteria.

  3. Choose Search. InterAction displays the contacts that match all the criteria you entered.

Alumni Search

Clients Search

The Clients search provides a search by client number, name, and other fields. Only contacts assigned the Client contact type will be found when using this search. For example, you may want to find all active clients in San Francisco.

Note: Depending on how InterAction is configured for your organization, you can also opt to search for Inactive Clients and Former Clients from either the dropdown list or links on the Search screen.

  1. Choose Clients from the left hand Search for drop-down list of contact searches.

  2. Enter search criteria.

  3. Choose Search. InterAction displays the contacts that match all the criteria you entered.

    To search criteria for inactive or former clients, choose one of the following links at the top of the search form:

    • Inactive Clients
    • Former Clients

Clients Search

Prospects Search

The Prospects search provides fields for finding contacts classified as prospects. You can narrow the search by name, industry, and other fields. Only contacts assigned the contact type Prospect will be found when using this form. For example, you may want to search for all prospects of a particular industry.

  1. Choose Prospects from the left hand Search for drop-down list of contact searches.

  2. Enter search criteria.

  3. Choose Search. InterAction displays the contacts that match all the criteria you entered.

Prospects Search

Top Clients Search

The Top Clients search provides general fields for finding contacts classified as top clients. You can narrow the search by client name, industry, annual revenue, and other fields. Only contacts assigned the Top Client contact type will be found when using this search. For example, you may want to find all top clients in the insurance industry.

  1. Choose Top Clients from the left hand Search for drop-down list of contact searches.

  2. Enter search criteria.

  3. Choose Search. InterAction displays the contacts that match all the criteria you entered.

Top Clients Search

List Searches

You can use the List Searches to search your contact list, working lists, or marketing lists.

The List Searches page displays a list of links on the left-hand side of the search content area. The list is divided into My Contact List Searches, Working List Searches, and Marketing List Searches. Choose the link for the list you want to search. The search looks for contacts only within the selected list.

For more about using the My Contact List Searches, see Filtering and Searching Your Contacts.

In the example shown below, the search for a working list is shown. You can search on the standard contact fields, as well as any fields specific to the list and activity criteria.

  1. Choose List Searches from the left hand Search for drop-down list of contact searches.

  2. Choose the link for the list you want to search.

  3. Enter search criteria.

  4. Choose Search. InterAction displays the contacts that match all the criteria you entered.

List Searches

Note that these searches do not require contact criteria. This lets you:

  • Find all the contacts on the list. This gives you the same results you would get if you navigated to the page for the list.
  • Find contacts based on activity criteria, but no contact criteria. For example, you could search a particular marketing list for all the contacts that have an Invited activity. In this case, you only enter activity criteria and no contact criteria.

Other Searches

Other Searches includes any other searches defined by your organization.

  1. Choose Other Searches from the left hand Search for drop-down list of contact searches.

  2. Choose the link for the search you want to use.

  3. Enter search criteria.

  4. Choose Search. InterAction displays the contacts that match all the criteria you entered.

Activities/Appointments Section on Contact Searches

Each contact search includes an Activities/Appointments section. You can use this to find contacts based on activity or appointment criteria.

For example, you could find all contacts that have at least one activity of a particular type, or for which you are the originator.

  1. On any contact search page, select the Include Activities/Appointments in this search check box. This displays the activity criteria.

    • If your organization does not use InterAction Appointments, the check box is labeled Include Activities in this search.

    • You may need to scroll to the bottom of the search to see the check box.

  2. Enter the search criteria.

  3. Choose Search. InterAction finds contacts that have or don’t have activities/appointments with the criteria you specified.

If you want to find activities or appointments rather than contacts, see Finding Activities and Appointments.

Activities/Appointments Section on a Contact Search

Depending on how the search you are using has been configured at your organization, you may need to fill in contact criteria in addition to the activity criteria. This can be set differently for each search form.

List searches are an exception to this. For these searches, you can always search using just activity criteria if necessary.