Using the Contact Overview Pages

You can see the detailed information for a contact on the Person Overview or Company Overview page. This page displays the following information:

  • Basic contact information (name, company, phones and addresses).
  • Common actions you can perform with the contact.
  • Profile information for the contact.
  • The lists that contain the contact.
  • Notes about the contact.
  • Relationships the contact has with others in your organization and other contacts.
  • Appointments that involve the contact. This section is only available if your organization has chosen to enable this feature.
  • Activities involving the contact, such as phone calls or email messages.
  • Documents associated with the contact. This section is only available if your organization has chosen to enable this feature.
  • The opportunities, engagements, and/or matters in which the contact is involved. These appear only if your organization has licensed one of the Related Modules.

Person Overview Page - Details Collapsed

Expanding and Collapsing Sections

Some of the sections on the Overview page can be collapsed and expanded.

  • To see the information within a section, choose the plus icon () to expand the section.
  • To collapse a section, choose the minus icon ().

Overview Page with One Section Expanded

[A] Choose the plus and minus icons to expand and collapse the sections.

Information on the Overview Page

For details about the data displayed on the Overview page, see the following: