Addresses, Phones, and Electronic Addresses

The following sections provide more information about addresses, phones, and electronic addresses:

Phones and Addresses for User Contacts

Your user contacts have the following fields for phones and addresses:

  • Business

    • Address

    • Direct Phone

    • Company Phone

    • Fax

    • Mobile

    • Pager

    • Email

    • Web Site

    • Assistant Name

    • Assistant Phone

  • Home

    • Address

    • Phone

    • Fax

    • Email

  • Other

    • Address

    • Phone

    • Email

If a user contact is connected to a Firm Contact, you can contribute changes to the Business and Home fields to the Firm’s version of the contact. Similarly you can accept updates made to the Business and Home fields of the Firm’s version of the contact. Note that you cannot contribute or accept updates between connected contacts for the Other fields.

You can view and edit user contact information using either the InterAction Web Client or Microsoft Outlook.

Phones and Addresses for a User Contact in the Web Client

Phones and Addresses for Firm Contacts

Firm Contacts can have an unlimited number of addresses, phones, and electronic addresses.

The Web Client presents phones and addresses as locations. A location includes an address and several phone numbers, presented as a single “card.”

Most people have a business location and a home location. The example below shows the contact Jane Tarnoff. She has three business locations and one home location. Companies don’t have home locations, but the view is similar.

In the Web Client, you can add and edit locations for people and companies. Note that phones don’t have to be part of a location – for example, TeleNorth has a toll-free number that isn’t part of any of the offices.

Displaying Locations for a Person

[A] This person has information for four locations.

The Chicago Office, Second Chicago Office, and Western Suburban Office locations are all Business locations, while the Aurora location is the person’s Home location.

Displaying Locations for a Company

[A] Locations for this company.

[B] This phone number is not tied to a specific office location.

Mailing Addresses

Each contact can have a mailing address. This address can be used when searching, creating reports, and running mail merges. In the InterAction Web Client, the mailing address for a contact is indicated by the mailing address icon ().

Both your user contacts and Firm Contacts can have mailing addresses.

Mailing Addresses for Firm and User Contacts

[A] The mailing address for the user’s version of Jane is set to Jane’s home address.

[B] The mailing address for the firm’s version of Jane is set to the Chicago address.

You can set the mailing addresses for contacts as needed.

Mailing Addresses for User Contacts

You can set the mailing address for a user contact when editing the contact. Edit the address and select the Send mail to this address check box.

Setting the Mailing Address for a User Contact

Select the Send mail to this address check box to specify the mailing address.

In this example, the Home address for this contact will be the mailing address. The address then displays with the mailing address icon.

Mailing Addresses for Firm Contacts

Firm contacts can have both a global and folder-specific mailing addresses. A global mailing address is available from anywhere in InterAction. A folder-specific mailing address is specific to just a single list (such as a working list or marketing list).

  1. In the Web Client, find the contact to update. If you want to create a folder-specific mailing address, open the folder or project (matter, opportunity, or engagement) that contains the contact.

    You must be viewing the contact details within the context of the folder to set the mailing address for that folder. You must also have access rights to set the mailing address for that folder or project.

  2. Select the contact in the list and choose View > Contact.

  3. Choose Set Mailing Address.

  4. Choose the address from the list then choose Save.

    Setting a Folder-Specific Mailing Address

[A] To set a folder-specific mailing address, choose Set Mailing Address.

[B] Select the address and then choose Save.

Copying, Printing, and Sending Phone and Address Information by Email

You can copy the name, phone, and address information for a contact for use in other applications. You can also send an email message containing the same information.

You can also print a quick report for a contact that shows all of the phones and addresses.

The upper-right corner of the View Contact dialog box has links for these shortcuts.

Links for Copying, Printing and Emailing Contact Information

You can also copy or email a contact by selecting the contact in a grid and choosing one of the following:

  • Actions > Copy Contact Information
  • Actions > E-mail Contact Information

What Information is Copied or Sent in an Email Message?

Copying contact information copies the following for a person contact:

  • Name
  • Job Title
  • Company
  • Mailing address
  • Phone – the specific phone number used depends on whether the contact is in your list or is in the Firm List:

    • For a contact in your list, the Direct Phone is copied if available. If this is not available, the Company Phone is used instead.

    • For a Firm Contact, the Business phone is used. If this is not available, the Business2 phone is used.

  • Mobile Phone

  • Fax (business fax)

  • Email (business email address)

Copying contact information copies the following for a company contact:

  • Company Name
  • Address - Business Address
  • Phone
  • Fax
  • Web Site

What Information is Printed?

Printing a single contact’s phone and addresses prints all of the information shown on the View Contact page – both the Firm Contact and My Contact sections.

For more about printing contact information, see Viewing and Printing Reports for Contacts.