Home Page

The Home page provides a starting point where you can access common features and receive assistance in your use of InterAction. You can go to the Home page by selecting the Home button in the left-hand menu.

By default, the Home page is also your Start Page, displayed each time you start InterAction. You can change this if necessary; see Start Page and Text Size.

The Frequent Actions section provides controls and links to the following common searches and actions:

  • Advanced Search Simple-to-use search feature that has more functionality than the top menu Find Contact field. See Advanced Search (Home Page).

  • Search for... Provides links to frequently used Search pages. See Search for... (Home Page).

  • Add a New... Provides links to adding new items to InterAction; default is new Contact. If your organization has purchased any of the Related Module components, you can add a new Opportunity, Matter, or Engagement. See Add a New... (Home Page).

  • Message Center Displays links to action items for you to review. See Message Center (Home Page).

  • Related Modules - Displays a link to the Data Quality searches included with the Opportunities, Matters, and Engagements modules. This only appears if your organization has purchased one of these modules and you are logged on to the Web Client as an Application Server administrator user. For details, see the documentation provided with the module.

  • View... Displays links for viewing reminders. See View... (Home Page).

  • About InterAction displays information about the version of InterAction you are using.

The Quick Reference section includes links to the most frequently accessed Help topics. See Quick Reference (Home Page).

InterAction Home Page

Advanced Search (Home Page)

The Advanced Search form provides a quick way to search for a contact with capability beyond the Find Contact feature on the top menu. You can enter any of the following values for the contact you want to find:

  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Company Name
  • Contact Type (contains a list of all available contact types)
  • City (you can include just the mailing addresses, or all addresses when searching by city)

Tip: The search performs a ‘begins with’ search for all text criteria fields. This allows you to enter only the first few characters of a word. All potential matches to those characters are displayed in your search results.

The values you enter are combined when used by the search. For example, if you enter both a Last Name and Company Name, InterAction finds all contacts that match on both names.

Note that you can enter multiple cities in the City field by separated them with semi-colons. The search then finds contacts with an address in any of the specified cities (essentially, an “OR” search). For example, enter the following and check the mailing address check box:


This finds both contacts with a Chicago mailing address and those with a Boston mailing address.

Find a Contact

[A] Enter values in the fields. The values are combined using “And” logic.

In this example, InterAction finds contacts with the last name of “Tarnoff” and a company name that begins with the letters “telen.”

[B] Choose Search to start the search.

Search for... (Home Page)

The Search for... section provides links to some of the more frequently-used searches. These searches (as well as others) are also available from the Search for drop-down list in the left-hand menu.

By default, the following links are provided:

  • People - displays the Contact Search, Person page.
  • Companies - displays the Contact Search, Company page.
  • Activities - displays the General Activity Search page.
  • Matters, Opportunities, or Engagements - links to search these items are available if your organization is using one of these modules.

Note that your organization may customize this list to include other searches.

Add a New... (Home Page)

The Add a New... section provides links that allow you to add new InterAction items, such as contacts. If your organization has purchased any of the Related Module components, links for adding new items for that module are also provided (Add a New...Opportunity, Matter, or Engagement).

Also, if your organization has enabled Reminders, you can choose to add a new reminder from here as well.

Choose the Add a New...Contact link to open the New Contact Wizard. You can also access the New Contact Wizard from any page of the Web Client by choosing the New Contact button in the left-hand menu.

Message Center (Home Page)

The Message Center section notifies you of items that require your action. In addition, organization-specific messages can be included to notify you about internal InterAction configuration changes or additions.

Two standard message links may be displayed.

  • There are new contacts to be added to the Firm List – This appears when new contacts are added through Microsoft Outlook. You can review these contacts and decide which should be added to the Firm List. See Contributing Contacts to the Firm List.

  • There are contacts with updates to be reviewed – This appears when there has been a change to the Firm version of one or more of your contacts. You can review these changes and decide whether you want to accept them. See Reviewing Updates to Your Contacts.

Messages on the Home Page

[A] Select to review the new contacts and decide which should be added to the Firm List.

[B] Select to review and optionally apply changes made to Firm Contacts that are connected to contacts in your contact list.

View... (Home Page)

The View... section lists links for viewing your reminders. If you have the ability to create reminders for other users, you can also view those reminders from here.

Note that this section is only available if your organization has enabled Reminders in InterAction.

For details about working with reminders, see "Reminders" on page 1.

Links to View Reminders on the Home Page

Quick Reference (Home Page)

The Quick Reference section displays links to commonly asked questions. The following six links are displayed by default:

  • Add a phone and address to a contact
  • Print a report for a contact
  • Use the Relationship Map
  • Keep my contacts updated
  • Customize My InterAction Settings
  • Learn more about InterAction features

The first five links provide answers to the most frequently asked questions. The last link displays the InterAction Overview topic.

How do I ... ?