Section Topics
Setting Up Report Managers
Unlike regular reporting users who can only view/print reports and create personal reports, report managers have additional responsibilities like managing and distributing your organization’s report list. The following is a list of common report manager responsibilities:
- Editing InterAction’s out-of-the-box reports so that they match your organization’s InterAction configuration (seeManaging Your Organization's Report List).
- Creating new reports or removing reports based on the needs of your organization.
- Customizing the viewing rights for specific reports (see Setting Up Security (Viewing Rights) for Reports for more information).
If you are logged in as IAADMIN, you are an InterAction Administrator and automatically have report manager privileges.
To give a user report manager privileges in InterAction Administrator, add that user to Reporting Users and Groups and then select the Manage Firm Reports check box (see “Assign Report Manager Access Rights to a Reporting User or Group,” later).
Assign Report Manager Access Rights to a Reporting User or Group
Log on to InterAction Administrator.
On the main window of InterAction Administrator, double-click Report, Label, and Envelope Configuration.
Choose Report Permissions.
Select the user or group you want to assign report manager privileges by selecting the Manage Firm Reports check box.
When finished, choose Close.