Additional Fields

When you create a report, you can add any global or folder-specific additional field from within InterAction to the report.

Reporting gives you several options for finding fields. When you define the information that should be included in your report, you can include any contact additional field stored in InterAction. When you run the report, InterAction finds the field you specified. If the field is folder-specific, it finds the field in the folder you specified, even if you do not currently have that folder open.

Including Additional Fields in Reports
If you want to ... Then choose ...
Include a field directly on the contact Additional Fields > From the current contact
Include a field that is on a contact's company Additional Fields > From the contact's associated company
Include a field that is used in many folders, such as RSVP, and the report will work against any of those folders

Select the folder class (Working List, Marketing List, or Folder), then choose the Current List or Current Folder option.

For details, see Referencing an Additional Field by Name.

Create a report that lists the names of the folders/lists a contact is linked to, and include the values from the additional fields in those folders/lists

Select the folder class (Working List, Marketing List, or Folder), then choose the Selected List or Selected Folder option.

For details, see:

Including List Names on a Report (Reporting on Selected Lists)

Including Additional Fields from Selected Lists/Folders

Simply display profile fields that apply to a contact (like in the Web Client)


See Profiles for more information.

If you are creating a report is most often run on person contacts, you can get additional information from each contact’s associated company. For example, you may want to create a report that lets users organize people they typically contact by the industry in which they work. In this situation, the report would contain the name for each person, their company name, their phone number, and the values from an “Industry” field on the person's associated company.

TIP You can check to see if the additional field values are being sourced from the person contact or the company contact by choosing the field in the list of Report Fields and choosing the Edit button.

After you select either From the current contact or From the contact’s associated company in the InterAction fields list and then and choose Add to add the field to the list of report fields, the Additional Fields Options dialog box displays.

Additional Fields Options Dialog Box

By default, all the additional fields for the current folder display. Select the fields to include in the report then choose OK. To include additional fields that are located in another folder, choose Find More Fields then search for the folder with the fields to include.

After choosing OK in the Additional Fields Options dialog box, the additional fields are added to the list of report fields.

IMPORTANT If a user runs a report and does not have access to the folder from which the additional fields are sourced, field headings for the fields display, but the data fields will be empty.

Splitting Out Values for a Multi-Value Additional Information Field

You can choose the way values from a multiple-value additional field are included in the report:

  • Include all values in a single field
  • Include a separate row for each value for each contact

To access these options, choose the Value Options button on the Additional Field Options dialog box. Alternately, you can select the field in the Report Fields list and choose Edit.

Value Options Dialog Box for Additional Field

The Include all values in a single field option is useful if you just want to see the values in a list. Choose what should separate the values. For example, to list the languages a person speaks, you can include all the values in a single field and separate each value with a line feed or comma.

To use this same information to create a report that groups people by language, choose Include a separate row for each value for each contact.

Including the Secondary Value for an Additional Information Field

If an additional field includes a secondary value, choose if you want to include it in the report as well as how you want to include it in the report:

  • In parentheses next to the primary value for the field
  • In a separate column of data

To access these options, choose the Value Options button on the Additional Field Options dialog box. Alternately, you can select the field in the Report Fields list and choose Edit.

Value Options Dialog Box for Additional Fields with Secondary Values

Formatting Names for InterAction User Additional Fields

Adding an InterAction User type additional field to your report displays the name of an InterAction user in a single field. For example, when exporting the report to a spreadsheet, one column contains the name of each InterAction user.

NOTE You cannot display the name in multiple columns (for example, separate columns for Last Name and First Name).

You can select the name components to include on the report by using any combination of Title, First Name, Last Name, Middle Name, and Suffix.

To customize the name, choose Name Options. On the Name Options dialog box, choose the way you want the name to display in the report.

Selecting Name Options for an InterAction User Additional Field

[A] Choose Name Options to customize the way the name displays in your report.

[B] On the Name Options dialog box, select the name components to include on the report and the order in which they should appear.

Choose which components of the contact's name to include and the order in which the name is displayed.


Last, First Middle

Last, First Middle Initial

Title First Last Suffix

The components you include could affect the way your report is sorted if you are sorting by that field. For example, consider how adding the suffix to the name changes your report results.

If you have these InterAction users, as sorted in InterAction:

Smith, Judy

Smith, Thomas

The users are sorted in this order in your report:

Smith, Jr. Thomas

Smith, Judy

If you do not want these results, exclude the Suffix from the user’s name.

Referencing an Additional Field by Name

Both of the additional field options available for report or export (From the current contact and From the contact’s associated company) find the exact field you specify in the exact folder you specify. This may not be the behavior you always want.

For example, you want to create an RSVP report that you can use for various events. If you were to create this report by adding the RSVP field from the Tax Seminar event list, the report will always use that exact RSVP field. If you were to open the Golf Outing event list and run the report, the RSVP field shown in the report would not be the contact’s RSVP to the golf outing, but his or her RSVP to the tax seminar.

To reference an additional field by name and use the value from the list you currently have open, you can use any of the following options:

  • Current Working List
  • Current Marketing List
  • Current Folder (see Folders for more information)

See Reporting on a Current List for more information on working and marketing list reports.