Promoting Contacts

In order to ensure that contacts are always available to users in InterAction, contacts should be sourced in one of two main folders:

  • Firm Contacts - Companies
  • Firm Contacts - People

These are the public source folders provided with InterAction. For more information on public source folders, see the InterAction Fundamental Concepts guide.

Occasionally, you may find it necessary to source contacts in another folder temporarily. For example, when importing contacts into InterAction, you should always import contacts into a temporary folder. To change the source folder for these contacts, you promote contacts into the Firm Contacts - People and Firm Contacts - Companies folders. When a contact is promoted, its source folder is changed to the Firm Contacts - People or Firm Contacts - Companies folder and the contact is linked back to the folder where it was previously sourced.

When a contact is promoted, InterAction searches for possible duplicates already in the firm list. If a possible duplicate exists, you can merge the contacts and choose which information to keep. Alternately, you can promote the contact without merging if the contact is not a duplicate.

Promote Contacts

  1. Log on to the InterAction Windows Client.

  2. Open the folder that contains the contact to promote.

  3. Highlight the contact then choose Contact > Promote.

  4. On the Promote Contact dialog box, optionally add the contact to marketing lists by selecting the check boxes next to each list.

  5. When finished, choose OK.

  6. If the contact is identified as a potential duplicate of a contact already in the firm list, a list of possible duplicate contacts displays.

    Do one of the following:

    • Choose Continue to not merge the contact, then choose OK. The contact is promoted.
    • Choose Merge, select the contact that matches the contact you are promoting, then choose OK. Continue to step 7.

  7. Choose the contact information to keep, then choose Merge.

    NOTE For more information on merging duplicate contacts, see Managing Duplicate Contacts. See also the section on merging duplicate contacts in Data Minder Guide.

    For more information on choosing the contact data to merge, see Choosing the Contact Information to Merge.

  8. A confirmation dialog box displays with the merged contact’s information. Choose OK to complete the merge, or choose Cancel to return to the Duplicate Merge dialog box to make changes.