< Create New Person Contact

Note: If you want to add company information to the new Contact, you must first add the Company Contact.

  1. Tap in the bottom navigation bar. The My Contacts page opens.

  2. Tap .

  3. Tap .

  4. Complete the fields. Required fields are marked with an asterisk *.
  5. The Duplicate Check will search for the Contact's name in your personal Contacts and the Firm's Contacts. If similar Contacts are found, they are displayed. You can select your contact from the list, or continue to add the Contact as a New Person Contact.

  6. Tap the Share with the Firm and Add to My Contacts sliders as needed.

  7. Tap Save.

Option B: Scan Business Card or QR Code to Create a Person Contact

  1. Tap in the bottom navigation bar. The My Contacts page opens.

  2. Tap .

  3. Tap Scan Business Card/QR Code.

  4. If you're scanning a card for the first time, click OK to allow InterAction+™ to access your camera.

  5. Tap QR Code or Business Card, then Tap to take the picture.

  6. Click OK (or, to retake the picture, click Retry).
  7. Review the contact information to verify it was captured. If it wasn't, you can retake the picture or type in the information. Required fields are marked with an asterisk *.
  8. The Duplicate Check will search for the Contact's name in your personal Contacts and the Firm's Contacts. If similar Contacts are found, they are displayed. You can select your contact from the list, or continue to add the Contact as a New Person Contact.

  9. Tap the Share with the Firm and Add to My Contacts sliders as needed.

  10. Tap Save.