Section Topics
Create a Search
Choose Folder > New Search to open the New Search dialog box.
NOTE You must complete both the Folders and Criteria tabs in order to create a search that InterAction can run. The General and Security tabs are optional; you only need to complete these tabs if you are creating a saved search.
Choose one of the following to select where you want InterAction to search:
Search ALL folders to which the current user has READ access.
Search only the folders in the list below. If you select this option, you need to identify the folders you want to search by choosing the Browse or Find button. The Browse button allows you to browse through the folder list while the Find button allows you to enter search criteria for the folder(s).
TIP The Search ALL folders to which the current user has READ access option lets you set up a single saved search that is “personalized” when run by a different user.
You can also choose this option and then choose Search only the folders in the list below to pre-populate the list of folders with either all the folders to which you have Read access. You can then quickly add or remove folders to create the exact set of folders you want to search.
Note, use caution before choosing to search all folders to which you have Read access. If you have access to many folders, the search could take a long time to execute, and it could have a negative impact on database performance.
Choose the Criteria tab.
Choose the Add button to add a search condition. InterAction displays the Add Condition - Field dialog box.
Browse for the field you want to add.
The fields are divided into Contact Conditions and Associated Company Conditions. Within each of these two categories, the fields are organized according to field groups.
TIP InterAction lets you include search conditions based on a contact’s associated company. For example, you can find all people who work at a company that is in the Financial Services field. Browse the Associated Company Conditions to select a field to include in a search condition based on an associated company.
Click the plus sign next to a heading to see the list of items under a heading. Select the field you want and choose OK.
InterAction displays the Add Condition - Value dialog box.
Choose the Operator and choose or enter the Value (if appropriate). Choose the OK button and InterAction adds the condition to the Criteria tab. (InterAction displays a company icon next to conditions based on the contact’s associated company.)
Repeat steps 4-6 for each search condition you want to add. InterAction adds each condition immediately after the currently selected condition. By default, InterAction joins the search conditions using AND.
Select a search condition and change how the condition is joined or group search conditions by performing any of the following:
TIP You can right-click a search condition to change how the condition is joined or to group search conditions.
Choose And to join a condition to the previous condition with AND
Choose Or to join a condition to the previous condition with OR
Choose Add ( to add an opening parenthesis
Choose Add ) to add a closing parenthesis
Choose Del ( to remove an opening parenthesis
Choose Del ) to remove a closing parenthesis
Choose Up to move the condition (but not the operator or parenthesis) up in the search equation
Choose Down to move the condition (but not the operator or parenthesis) down in the search equation
For further details on search conditions, see Creating Search Expressions.
NOTE Steps 9-13 are optional. If you want to run the search without saving it, you can skip these steps and choose Search Now in step 13. You can save the search later by choosing Folder > Save Search.
Select the General tab.
Enter a Search Name and Description.
Select the Security tab.
TIP To determine which users are in the group you are selecting, choose the Membership button.
Select whether you want to make the search private or shared. If you choose to share the search, select the user or group that can open the search and the user or group that can open and save changes to the search.
Choose the Save button to save the search. Choose Search Now to run the search and display the contacts that match the criteria in a search results window.