Addresses, Phones, and Electronic Addresses

When adding addresses, phones, or electronic addresses to a report, you can choose whether you want to add each field of the item separately or add them as a complete, formatted item. For example, you can include the city of an address or you can include the full formatted address.

When choosing the fields to add to the report, the user’s version of the contact’s information is used if the contact is in his or her contact list. You can override this default - for more information, see Contact Information: User's Version vs. Organization's Version.

NOTE For information on whether the folder-specific or global version is used, and how you can override this default, see Including Folder-Specific Information on Reports (on a Particular Folder).

See the following topics for more information:

  • Including Addresses in Reports
  • Using the Full Address Option
  • Including Phones in Reports
  • Including Email Addresses in Reports
  • About Alternate Address, Phone, and Electronic Address Types

Including Addresses in Reports

When including the address on a report, you will most often use the mailing address. Most contacts, if they have any address specified, have a mailing address.

If you want to specifically include business or home addresses for contacts, you can include addresses for certain location types (Business, Business 2, etc.).

You can also include the individual address fields separately. Choosing address fields separately displays these fields in a separate column on your report.

You can choose any of the following:

  • Street
  • Lines 1-3 individually
  • Additional Line
  • City
  • State/Province
  • Postal Code
  • Country
  • Description
  • IDs

If you do not want to export each line separately, use the Full Address option.

Using the Full Address Option

TIP Using the Full Address option is a good way to create a field that includes city, state, and country in one field. You can then use this field to group contacts in a report.

The Full Address option lets you include all components of an address in one column on the report. You can select which items you want to include as well as how you want the address formatted. Finally, you can take advantage of regional settings and use international mailing rules to determine whether the country is displays in the address.

To modify the layout of an address, add the address field to the list of fields included in the report. Select the address field from the list and choose Edit.

NOTE If you are editing the Mailing Firm Version Full Address, Business Firm Version Full Address, or Home Firm Version Full Address fields in the Advanced - Override Defaults section, address layouts are specified in the Arrange Results tab.

Full Address Options Dialog Box

The following charts helps you decide which options to select on the Full Address Options dialog box.

TIP To include the full, non-abbreviated state name, choose the Full Address option, then change the layout to only include <State/ProvinceFull>.

Formatting Addresses - Layouts
To.. Then
Use the full address layout defined for the country on each address. Select the Use the address layout specified for each country option.
Use the same layout for all addresses, ignoring the layout defined for the country on each address.

Select Use a custom layout for addresses.

In the text box, use the Backspace or Delete keys on your keyboard to remove items.

To add items, type in characters or carriage returns.

To add fields to the address layout, choose Insert.

Set the layout to only include certain fields (for example, you want the field to only include the city and state so you can later group contacts using this field).

Select Use a custom layout for addresses.

In the text box, use the Backspace or Delete keys on your keyboard to remove items.

To add items, type in characters or carriage returns.

To add fields to the address layout, choose Insert.

Only display the country in the address if the country for the contact is different than the user printing the envelopes/labels.

For example, the user works in France (the regional settings on the user’s PC are set for France) and some of the contacts that the user is mailing to reside in the United States. All contacts who reside in France will NOT have the country in the address and all those who reside in the United States WILL have the country in the address. The country names for all countries print in French.

Select Apply International Mailing Rules.

Select Use the current user's regional settings.

Always display the country for each address even if the country is the same as the user running the report. Clear the check box for Apply International Mailing Rules.

Always use a specific regional setting instead of the user's when formatting addresses (not common). Use this option for a mailing that always occurs at a specific location.

For example, a company with offices in France, Germany and the US handles marketing in one central location in France. When printing mailing labels, the country is printed in French. The country does not print for the contacts that reside in France.

Select Apply International Mailing Rules.

Select Always use the following (ignore the user's regional settings).

Select the country and language to use for the address in the Mailing From and Print Country In drop-down lists.

Including Phones in Reports

When choosing a phone to include in a report, you will most often use the Primary Phone option (Primary Fax, Primary Pager, etc.). Since InterAction contacts can have several phones, there are rules that determine which is the primary phone.

If you are running the report from a folder or list, the folder-specific phone is used. If there are no folder-specific phones, then the global version is used. Even if the contact is in the user’s contact list, the user’s information is never used.

NOTE You can override the default setting that determines whether the folder-specific or global version is used. See Choosing Specific Versions (Folder-Specific or Global) for more information.

If you are running the report from a search result, the user’s version of the contact’s phone is used if the contact is in the user’s contact list. If the contact is not in the user's contact list, the organization’s version of the phone is used.

The primary phone depends on what information is available for the contact. InterAction uses a hierarchy to determine which item to export. If the first item in the hierarchy doesn't exist, then the next one is checked, and so on.

The following hierarchy is used when determining the primary phone for a user contact, or a contact that is both on the user and organization list:

  • Direct phone (Business Phone for companies)
  • Company phone (Business 2 Phone for companies)
  • Mobile phone
  • Home phone (people only)
  • Other phone

The following hierarchy is used when determining the primary phone for a contact that is on the organization list only:

Person Contacts:

  • Business phone
  • Business 2 phone
  • Alternate Business phones
  • Business Mobile
  • Business 2 Mobile
  • Alternate Business Mobile
  • Home Phone
  • Alternate Home Phone
  • Home Mobile
  • Alternate Home Mobile
  • Other phone

Company Contacts:

  • Business phone
  • Business 2 phone
  • Alternate Business phone
  • Business Mobile
  • Business 2 Mobile
  • Alternate Business Mobile
  • Other phone

If the contact is in the context of a folder, the folder-specific information is used. If no folder-specific information exists, the organization version is used.

If Primary Phone field does not return the information you want, you can specify the type of phone included in the report, such as Business, Home, etc.

To modify the layout of a phone number (when using Primary Phone or Complete Phone), add the phone number field to the list of fields included in the report. Select the phone number field from the list then choose Edit.

Phone Options Dialog Box

NOTE If you are editing the Business Firm Version Phone, Business2 Firm Version Phone, or Home Firm Version Phone fields in the Advanced - Override Defaults section, phone options are specified in the Arrange Results tab.

You can include any of the following elements:

  • Number
  • Extension, with custom label
  • Description
  • Location Type (Business, Home, etc.)
  • Phone Type (Phone, Fax, etc.)
  • Abbreviated Type (for Primary Phone option only). This option includes an abbreviation for the phone location type: Business (b), Home (h), Mobile (m), or Other (o).

Because the Abbreviated Type option includes the abbreviation for the location type, it is not recommended to include the location type when using the Abbreviated Type option. Otherwise, data will look like (212) 555-9068 - Business (b) for example.

Including Email Addresses in Reports

When choosing an email address or Web site to include in a report, you will most often use the Primary Email and/or Primary Web Site options.

Since InterAction contacts can have several email addresses and Web sites, there are some rules that determine which is the primary email or primary Web site.

If you are running the report from a folder or list, the folder-specific electronic address is used. If there are no folder-specific addresses, then the global version is used. Even if the contact is in the user’s contact list, the user’s information is never used.

NOTE You can override the default setting that determines whether the folder-specific or global version is used. See Choosing Specific Versions (Folder-Specific or Global) for more information.

If you are running the report from a search result, a user’s version of the contact’s electronic address is used if the contact is in the user’s contact list. If the contact is not in the user’s contact list, the organization’s version of the electronic address is used.

The primary email or primary Web site depends on what information is available for the contact. InterAction uses a hierarchy to determine which item to export. If the first item in the hierarchy doesn’t exist, then the next one is checked, and so on.

The following hierarchy is used when determining the primary email or primary Web site for a user’s contact:

  • Business email address or Web site
  • Home email address or Web site (people only)
  • Other email address or Web site

The following hierarchy is used when determining the primary email or primary Web site for an organization contact:

  • Business email address or Web site
  • Business 2 email address or Web site
  • Alternate Business email address or Web site
  • Home email address or Web site (people only)
  • Alternate Home email address or Web site (people only)
  • Other email address or Web site

If Primary Email or Primary Web Site does not return the information you want, specify the type of email address or Web site to include in the report, such as Business, Home, etc.

To modify the layout of an electronic address (when using Primary Email or Complete Email), add the electronic address field to the list of fields included in the report. Select the field from the list then choose Edit.

NOTE If you are editing the Business Firm Version E-mail or Home Firm Version E-mail fields in the Advanced - Override Defaults section, email options are specified in the Arrange Results tab.

Electronic Address Options Dialog Box

About Alternate Address, Phone, and Electronic Address Types

If you are including alternate business or alternate home addresses, phones, or electronic addresses in your report, note that these items are multiple-value fields, not single-value fields. This means that you cannot display them as one item per column.

NOTE Each unique alternate field can be in its own column (for example, one Alternate Business phone). However, if multiple values exist (for example, three Alternate Business phones), you cannot separate those values into separate columns.

To specify the character used to separate values, add the alternate address, phone, or electronic address field to the list of fields included in the report. Select the field in the list then choose Edit. On the Options dialog box, select the value separator to use. In the example below, alternate phone numbers are separated by a line feed.

Value Separator Dialog Box

Initially, the values for each contact are separated with semicolons (;). To display the items in a list, you should choose to use a Line Feed as the separator between each value.

TIP To add a blank line between values, select the Other option in the Value Separator field (Figure 37-11) then type \n\n in the text box.

See the InterAction out-of-the-box report Contact List - All Phones and Addresses for an example of using alternate addresses, phones, and email addresses.